David Loves helping Home Buyers, Home Sellers, and Remodeling!
David Loves helping Home Buyers, Home Sellers, and Remodeling!
Tommy Chong
Friday, August 9th, 2024 I looked at the boys and said, get ready, let the dogs out, brush your teeth, and hop in the Jeep.
Why dad?
Remember the lady with the cool office?
We have to see her today...
In reality, this story begins in 2016/2017.
I'm in the second wave of building the remodeling business. I am less than 12-months out from being thrown on the streets, essentially left for dead. I'm in the middle of a custody battle. Just set the repayment terms on some of the $450,000 default debt I owe. Kept all the statements, but it sure felt like every time I turned around I'm writing checks for my bills, debt bills, business bills, her loser replace a daddy bills, child support payments, and an attorney $5,000 plus per month.
Share last section because, life will never be perfect to make growth moves, ever. Most big growth decisions happen when your world is crap and all the comfort you seek is gone. You either man/woman up and set a new direction or stay in blame everyone else, but you misery.
Business is my baby.
I only care about three things;
1. Being a Father to my sons.
2. Helping clients at the highest possible standard.
3. 5-Star Ratings with before/after pics.
I'm assisting between 5-10 NEW clients EVERY SINGLE MONTH. Word-of-mouth catching fire.
Met this wonderful client in South Haven named, Eva Brewer. This lady in this period of time was an absolute angel. My dad's dead. My mom, I love her, but I can't talk to her, Eva was like a second mom and really gave me sound life advice during a period of time where I cherished hearing a woman's perspective about what I was going through.
She let me redo her bathroom.
This led to the kitchen.
How hard is it to find a reliable contractor?
She spent close to $50,000 with me.
I can still see her face, David, I just retired and I am moving to Indy to be by my grand baby.
Do you know a Realtor?
Met one. Face value she seemed like a good hearted person. Eva calls her. Eva calls me...
David, she sounds so nice.
Long story short this agent lists her home.
First offer comes in and this agent tells her to accept it. Home is paid for and this is Eva's retirement money.
The offer is FHA: Asking for a new roof, install a sump pump, and on top of this, asks for 3% towards closing costs.
Maybe your reading this not even in the deal, but does this sound expensive to you?
I get the call from Eva. Eva is on tilt. I scramble install teams and get the list done. Never forget the hole we had to dig in the crawl space.
At closing, which if you have ever experienced a not so positive situation that ends up at the closing table ... how are the vibes? I went to closing to protect MY CLIENT that I REFERRED.
Walking out of closing, I stopped the Realtor and looked at this biiiii directly in the eyes and ask, why in the fxxx did you tell her to accept that offer knowing, because I told you, it was her retirement money.
So sorry David, I'm going through a divorce and need the money....
I can still see the look on her dumb butt face...
That moment forward, somehow, someway, I'd figure it out where a client of MINE will NEVER EVER work with ANYONE who doesn't have their best interest at heart.
Truly the seed of everything; my mental switched to raising my personal standard to the highest possible accountable level and I'd seek the same from everyone I now met. (Start of gym pics that have never stopped)
How have I PERSONALLY SHOOK 1,000 hands...
Why have 1,000 people looked me directly into my eyes and said, I trust you, I'll do business with you!
I don't give AF about the money, end result is all that matters, or what I affectionately call, a perfect install. Stack up enough perfect=I promise the money follows.
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find other people in this world that truly and I mean genuinely put others needs first?
Hard, right?
I'm on mission, still today, to align myself with people that think this way. I don't fxxx with anyone who thinks outside this mental space.
That's on God.
Now I'm on a hunt to find a Realtor that I can REFER MY clients too. A friend of a friend tells me about this sweetheart named Jessica Stern Kish
I tell you what. If there is a female version of me, it's this Rockstar. How is she absolutely killing it right now? She puts people FIRST.
First referral, great.
Second, even better.
And I think I stopped at 5.
All went absolutely perfect.
We're getting into late 2020 and the world changed, market picked up, and what happened to costs? 2021 I was so proud of myself. I drove 4 lines, 10-months out, and put 60 installs on the books in like 45-days to start the year. Didn't make any money. Lol
Inflation ate it all up and I chose NOT to go back on signed agreements and ask for more to offset.
Slowing down the last few years allowed me to breathe and reorganize. Took some of the money I saved and started America's Private Investments LLC. Started the process of getting my real estate license. Staring at the certificate right now, I passed the online course on 2/27/2021.
Next available State Test day was on 3.17.2021.
Guess what day that is?
My dad's birthday.
My dad didn't get to see what I created.
He died and his only son was a f'ing loser.
4-time charged felon dropped to misdemeanors.
Living off an unemployment card and government assistance. What a son I am...
Going to honor him and take the State exam on his birthday. Guess what happens? I failed.
I studied so hard and I failed.
I was in complete shock.
I got back in my car at DeVry University in South Bend, Indiana and cried.
Cried because I failed.
Cried because I can't believe I sold 60-jobs and there not making any real money.
Cried because my kids are wearing diapers on their face.
Cried because the hovernment(with a g) won't stop calling my phone asking if I want kits.
Cried because I'm still running appointments and people are meeting me at the door asking crazy questions
It felt like the entire world was on my shoulders.
And I don't get the luxury of putting my personal problems on someone else. I have to own my
I sat in that parking lot for what seemed like an eternity crying. Finally phoned a dear friend and she helped me shake it off. (See pic in comments)
Take it again, fail.
Take it again, fail.
Take it again, pass.
Indiana license law states, you have 1-year to affiliate your license.
Deadline to affiliate is Mid-May 2022.
I'm on a spiritual mission.
Money is the least of my concern.
Situation with Eva rocked my core.
Feeling compounded because I will never ever, ever ever, and I mean never ever forget, how it felt being 27-years of age, living in a 4,000 Sq. Ft. Home on a the 7th green, when the lights went out for the last time and I lost everything I worked so hard for. I wouldn't wish this moment on my worst enemy.
And I told myself, if I recover, no one will ever feel the way I did in that moment, ever. I will walk whatever steps it takes.
So I waited.
My mental, affiliate, don't do any deals, sit, and wait the two-years from passing test to become a managing broker (time requirement to qualify and start one's own brokerage)
Time is ticking.
How was 2022!?
Start interviews...
Hey, my name is, this is my story, and I am looking to park my license for a year.
First managing broker, no.
Second managing broker, no.
Third managing broker, no.
Fourth managing broker, no.
Wtf ... time is running out. If I don't affiliate, I have to start the entire process all over again. All the time, money, and studying for nothing.
Call my dear friend, she's says, I'll set up a meeting with my broker. She does. Even comes with.
Her Broker said no too.
Down to weeks now.
Why do you think they all said, no?
Spirit warriors say, call Jessica.
So I do.
Share the story.
She says, I'll call you back.
.000923 seconds later she calls back (you know how quick she rolls, I love it)
I've got someone!!!
So I meet this broker in Valparaiso.
Share my story.
Great person.
All checks out.
I'm like four weeks out.
Mail the paperwork.
State says, not right paperwork.
Send the form the broker gives me again,
State stays, not the right paperwork.
Wtf ...
I am down to less than 72-hours.
Call Jessica.
Jessica says, meet me at the office.
Her office is still in renovation mode.
Gives me her paperwork.
State says okay.
This is final hour rush stuff.
My side, I walk out of her soon to be beautiful office not knowing what my earning percentage is. She literally just opened it. She could have said no, but she didn't.
Think about this for a second...
I paid my dues and all the fees.
Never went to a meeting.
Never asked for a lead.
Referred listing's came across my path.
I am eyeing a date.
Date is 5.11.2023.
One day before my oldest sons birthday.
My 2-year anniversary passing the State Test, which time stamps me to qualify to open my own Real Estate Brokerage.
I walk in to the GNIAR office in April 2023 all happy and ask, can I speak to the person in charge of like what steps I need to take to open my own brokerage?
Sure, take a seat.
Very nice woman greets me in the lobby and says, come back to my office.
What's your Agent ID?
She punches some keys...
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you don't qualify for your Managing Brokers License until May 11, 2024.
I walked my butt out of the GNIAR office in tears.
Huge build up, sharing with the remodeling teams, guys that have been with me every step of the way for a decade ... we're doing our own thing. I felt like I let everyone down. Still pisses me off.
I pay all the money to take the class.
Money to take the test 3 times.
Affiliate and all the fees.
Now I'm going to have to pay the fees, dues, and everything again, again!!
I don't share with the world that I even have my Real Estate license until almost 2-1/2 years AFTER passing the State Test.
Crazy, right?
Spiritual Mission.
October 2023, I get a contact form on my website from a high school friend. She wants to list her home with me. Such a blessing. Literally just started sharing I had the license and this happens...(faith spirit warriors are real.)
Get into 2024.
Pay all the dues again.
I need to get this listing sold.
It'll pay back every dollar I have invested.
Close to $5,000.00
February 2024, a dear family friend messages and says, we want to sell our place and buy a new place.
Same time, remodeling world, January and February are always terrific months. This is shaping up where everything might close in April 2024. Might even make up the $30,000 loss i had 7-days before Christmas 2023.
My family friend wanted to make an offer on this nice home southeast of Lowell. It's been sitting. We toured and it needs updates. Guts are solid though. Place an offer, rejected, and I call the listing agent.
My mental is, I've helped 1,000 people.
Google tf out of David Allen Roy.
How many negative reviews do I personally have?
I take it seriously. I can tell you, less than 5.
Out of the over 1,000 deals America's Construction Experts LLC has installed, guess how many negative reviews? Less than 10!
So what's my client satisfaction rate across the board? 99.5%??? On 1,000 deals?
This Listing Agent is a jack-off.
Truly is.
Wouldn't survive in my world.
Definitely be the classic rip people off contractor story. And I politely let him know it.
I didn't tell anyone about me acquiring my real estate license because the last thing in the world I want to do is harm my Brokers name. Wouldn't you take extra precautions? She let me park my license. I'd die for her. That's on God.
My big listing is getting ready to expire.
I paid for drone, video, cleaning company, checking in on it and we are down to the wire.
Guess who happens to call?
The idiot who turned down my clients offer.
Asking me the dumbest laziest questions you can ask. Like, do your job pie-hole!!
And I let him know it,
Guess what happens...
My phone rings.
David, I don't blame you because this person is a complete moron but play nice.
Time is ticking.
I have to get this house sold.
Held an open house on a Sunday.
Finally hit the perfect storm.
I had 40 plus cars in the driveway walking through this million dollar listing.
Monday morning, my phone starts ringing.
1st call, awesome.
2nd call, even better.
Few more come through.
I'm texting the client, it feels like offer time.
Another call...
I can still hear the sound of her voice.
David, we've never met but we work in the same office and do you mind if I ask you some questions? I start sharing stories. I felt so good after that call I CALLED my client and said, I think we're going to get a cash offer!!!
My phone rings, Jessica.
David!? You did it again!!?
Taken back, what did I do?
You can't yell at people in this business you'll ruin your reputation and you definitely can't do it to someone under the same roof!!
Now, PLEASE, I totally understand her point of view. I have replayed that conversation with that agent 100's over in my mind. As I type this, on God, I have no idea what I said wrong. All I did was share stories. Her clients ended up buying the home cash.
I had clients working.
My goal was to close out 2024 and if I was able to be blessed enough to help 8-10 more people, I'd start the process of opening my brokerage in 2025.
That moment changed everything...
The spirit warriors started talking again ....
April 2024, a guy who grew up in a cornfield, whose parents worked 3 jobs to provide was shown his biggest month ever....
$81,755.00 not team, not group effort sales, a metro sexual hillbilly that can't even write correct sentences, between all the businesses...
$81,755.00 in ONE-MONTH.
Spirit warriors said, shut it down.
That's exactly what I did.
On June 27, 2024 I passed the managing brokers class. On June 30, 2024 the State of Indiana issued me my Managing Brokers License.
On December 10, 2024, almost 4-months from this picture to the day, this story I am finally sharing with you, 3-1/2 years after the initial decision, and a full 8-years after the seed of Eva Brewer Americas Real Estate Experts is ready to serve.
I have no idea where this will lead.
The spirit warriors are telling me, David, show people just like you how they can make profit $20,000, $30,000, $80,000 months for their families.
Show people who own fixer-upper homes that you can make them more money and that they don't need money. I was homeless for 6-straight months living out of my car the repo man was trying to find, showering at the gym with a membership I paid in full before lost it all day. On my boys this journey has nothing to do with money. Truly feels like a spiritual calling.
I've been stacking stories.
On November 19th, 2024, a client who I met in 2019 and did 5 projects for, sold their home in 19-days in this market and made $150,000 in EXTRA Profits, off the teams efforts. How amazing is that?
And I am sandbagging even more success stories.
We are not the brokerage to call if you're looking to just list your home. Anyone can fill out paperwork. Heck, 2024 NAR lawsuit basically said the same.
You call us when you want to make money, without using a dime of yours. As a team we are going to create thousands of made more money success stories.
I bought my first home at age 23. Now the average first-time buyer is in their 50's? F' that. Reach out to me. I will show you the exact steps my mentor showed me. I have ALL the contacts to make your first-time home buying dreams come true.
And if you do not have your clients best interest at heart like so many I've met in this field...we're coming. In then most humble way possible you won't be able to get away with half-hearted help no more.
Jessica, THANK you, from the bottom of my heart.
60-Acre Lowell listing. I am going to 100% make good on what you shared about your Grandpa. I will literally die trying.
To the double sale...I made you the cover photo because that moment was 8-years in the making, 8-years. I felt so much love like in that space. I don't know if I'll ever feel love like that again, but if helping people find their dream home feels like that every time. Our moment is the seed.
Thank you to everyone that has been on this journey with me. FEW and I mean a FEW ever thought we'd make it this far.
And if any part of my story resonates with you and you're finally at the point where the spirit warriors are talking to you....reach out.
I truly feel from the bottom of my heart, that if you're a real estate agent struggling, you just need a little nudge a seek of encouragement....a different view point. Why earn just 1 to 1?
Let's be real.... how many people do you know that have averaged $40,000 in earnings since 2013 and willing to teach you how they did it to a T.
Not many, right?
That answers the question, of why I heard 6 no before my first yes.
I am so excited for 2025.
Check back to see how this story progresses.
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