David Loves helping Home Buyers, Home Sellers, and Remodeling!
David Loves helping Home Buyers, Home Sellers, and Remodeling!
Theodore Roosevelt
The Best is Yet To Come.
If you think listening to your guiding voice and suddenly the end game manifests,
The journey of your truth is going to challenge you to your core.
It is going to take every ounce of will and never-give-up attitude you can muster.
I have had some lonely moments.
I have had points in time with absolutely no idea who I could trust.
I have had feelings of walls closing in like I am in a coffin suffocating.
I have lived through absolute hell.
They say life has three best teachers:
Heartbreak, Empty Pockets, and Failures.
By 35, I had lived all three at a high level in my small world.
"God never said it would be easy,
but he did say that the arrival would be worthwhile."
I had lived 8-years NOT following my Guiding Voice and its truth.
At 25 in 2003 I lost it all.
At 33 in 2011, I formed America's Construction Experts, LLC .
8 long years of fighting it with substance,
poor relationships, and sleepless nights.
At 41 in 2019 I had been listening to my guiding voice for 8-years,
In this time I had:
Paid off all the bad debt.
Rebuilt my credit score.
Saved over $100,000.00.
Bought toys with titles.
Gone on passport Vacations.
Bought the boys and I our own home.
Hired a team of great people I work with daily.
Built a business that is youthful, steady, and flourishing.
And in a very simplistic way, I live 100% living my dreams on my terms.
Just a few years back all of this seemed so impossible.
What do I owe the change in results to?
Living the truth of my Guiding Voice.
Is this your defining moment?
Looking at the last 20 years of my life,
I would have failed twice as hard to get where I am today.
Know that whatever you have to overcome
to get where you want to go is infinitely worth it!
Doors truly do open that were closed.
You meet amazing people when you need too.
The right place at the right time type of deal,
The moments God talks to you
He encourages you along your path and directs your travels.
I want to see you follow your truth
and I will try my best to help get you there.
I want you to be free living your dreams.
I want you to be living your truth.
I express this wholeheartedly.
The rest of this "story" you will be walking in my faith.
My Guiding Voice Truth.
The one that is talking to me now..
The one that told me to create this website.
Let me explain:
It's 2019 I am humming along.
My business and life is good.
I'm no longer the victim first time in a long time.
I'm finally feeling like a victor.
I'm walking and living my Guiding Voice Truth.
Then in a moment the world changed.
I had to navigate the suddenness on many levels I never thought I would have to in life.
Professionally navigating the business, team, and clients.
Personally navigating with the boys mother, education, and health.
Servers, hairdressers, massage therapists I knew no longer had work.
People were now working from home not allowed into their office.
Friends with small businesses were forced to close their doors,
because they couldn't have customers.
Every single one of us has been affected
in one way or another in the last couple of years.
That we all have in common.
Voice started talking to me again....
David, you need to give back and help people.
How can I help people?
And suddenly the answers started to come.
Looking back the seed of the new voice.
I had a client who, over time, had us renovate basically their entire house.
They had called me to ask, "David, do you know a good realtor, we are listing our home."
If you have been reading along, you already know I did not know one.
They ended up selling at the peak of the sellers market.
Their home set the value of the neighborhood.
They called me back to ask me to work on their new home.
They shared how much profit they had made through their renovations with me,
it ended up being a life-changing moment for them.
The Voice came out of nowhere,
"Help people that do not have money.
Not only that, make is such a win-win that everyone qualifies.
Look back at your life.
In those dark moments what help did you need the most?"
It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Its the end of 2020.
during the height of the Pandemic.
The first email I sent to my paternity attorney who has since retired.
"Hey, do you know any good attorneys that specialize in creating ways to help people that want to loan others money?"
She replies, "No."
I had a meeting with my accountant on the books.
Day of meeting I ask,
"By the way, do you know any good attorneys that specialize in creating ways to help people that want to loan others money?"
He replies,
"David. We are headed into a recession and you want to loan people money?
It is your money, but I think it is a dumb move."
Guiding Voice says,
"Don't you give up."
In my head I'm thinking,
"Is this fun for you, getting kicked in the nuts here?"
In the meantime, I signed up through McColly
to take the Real Estate Brokers Course Online.
In this moment I am juggling a business, meetings, boys, home, and coaching.
I'd study 4-nights a week when everyone was asleep,
I can't tell you how many times I fell asleep with the tablet on my lap.
On 3/17/2021, took the Indiana Real Estate State Brokers Test.
As a celebration to my dad, I took it on his birthday.
I freaking failed it.
I literally cried in the parking lot.
In fact, I had to take the stupid test 2 more times before I passed.
I felt like such a moron and still do,
But that put me under the gun.
I have one-year to figure this out and affiliate my license.
I had another meeting already on the books with my financial planner.
Stop right here,
did I ever think I would have a financial planner, accountant, and attorney?
No. Pipe Dream Stuff.
I digress.
My financial planner is a bright young man.
We get done with business and I ask him the same question I asked my attorney and accountant,
"Hey, by the way, do you know any good attorneys that specialize in creating ways to help people that want to loan others money?"
He looks me dead in the face and asks,
"What are you trying to do?"
So I share my story.
And he says,
"As a matter of fact I do."
He called him right on the spot.
A few days later I am sitting in the lobby
sharing the latest version of my story with this bright young attorney.
At the end of the meeting he asks,
"David, can we set a meeting for the end of next week?"
I walked out of the attorneys office having formed this company on 5/11/2021.
They attorney gave me the rules, contracts,
and everything I needed to make the Guiding Voice become reality.
It took a lot of shadow work
in alone dark hours to make this possible.
What happens next is anyone's guess:
Fifth Third Bank signed on to process all the payments.
The #RemodelToSell program will create change in a big way for others lives.
I am so excited for the future!
My Guiding Voice on Repeat saying,
"Hang tough, the best is yet to come."
Let me ask you:
Where are you in this moment?
Are you ready for change?
Are you tired of putting in effort and getting poor results?
Are you ready to follow your authentic Guiding Voice?
Are you ready to let go and change your families generational future?
Answer this question:
What is it that you love doing, so much so you'd do it for free?
That was your Guiding Voice that just answered.
We start here.
Anything outside that, the negative self-talk, the I cant's, the victimization.
We don't listen to that anymore.
I am here to help.
Where ever you want to go.
Thank you for reading.
I look forward to meeting you.
The Best is yet to come.
I am so thankful for every client, teammate, and sideline partner I've met during this journey.
Without you, God, and Faith none of this is possible.
I am not doing this to pursue profits,
At a stage in life where I am pursuing my purpose.
Stay Tuned for More Success Stories!
Updated 12.11.2024 Spirit Warriors Say It Is Time,
Navigate to Chapter 5:
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